
For centuries semi-precious stones have been getting the attention of scientists and enthusiasts not only for their natural beauty and charm, but also for their supposed healing properties. The belief that minerals have specific metaphysical properties that benefit the body and mind dates back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

Some claim that crystals promote the flow of positive energy and help improve both the wearer's physical and mental state. Check out some of the most popular beliefs:

Freshwater pearls

Pearls have long been an object of fascination. Silky and shimmering in many shades, pearls carry a unique energy. Often depicted as gifts of grace and brilliance, pearls carry luminous water energy and a sense of harmony as they are created in synergy with other living creatures (oysters).

Pearls are a gem of inner wisdom. They have tremendous healing energy and, carrying the element of water within them, invite you to find your own balance and flow. According to ancient Greek mythology, this is a gift that only those who possess the wealth of wisdom acquire. The ancient Greeks considered pearls to be the tears of the gods. They are also the birthstone of the zodiac sign Cancer. You can find out what your birthstone is in our article HERE.

photo: Deepwear.info


In ancient times this stone was considered a form of mirror due to its reflective luster. The ancient Greeks, for example, were obsessed with it and called it Haima, which is the Greek word for blood. Throughout history, hematite has been known as a stone of great healing power and also for its ability to serve as a protective cloak.

Hematite is harder than ordinary crystals, it is dense and heavy and comes from the depths of South Africa and the warm blood lands of Brazil. It is also found in the winter tales of French-speaking Quebec around the shores of Lake Superior. It can also be found on the snowy peaks of Switzerland.

Hematite brings strength - it is a stone for the mind. If you often find yourself in bad moods and feel the negative vibes of others, Hematite is always good at picking up those influences. It is also the birthstone of Gemini.

photo: desertusa-store.com


Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming properties reduce stress and calm the mind. Aquamarine has a special connection with sensitive people. This stone clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect, removes confusion and encourages self-expression.

Aquamarine calms fear and increases sensitivity. The stone is wonderfully used in meditation. It protects the aura and aligns the chakras. It is highly recommended to be worn during pregnancy because it helps protect the mother and baby from negative influences.
photo: promnicesk.pics


Sandstone favorably affects creativity and relationships between people. This semi-precious stone helps the easily distracted ones and clears the mind. It is good when used together with other semi-precious stones. It is called the stone of creation because it combines the four elements air, fire, water and earth to form.

Sandstone is the energy stone of the Earth. It is used as a filter to purify water and also has a rejuvenating effect that helps you feel recharged and alive because it connects you to the energy of the cosmos. The stone also helps with angry outbursts, making it ideal for achieving balance and stability. Sandstone is made up of tiny grains of sand that give it its popular luster.

Colors can be cream, white, brown, red, blue and rust brown, sometimes blending into each other. It may include iron, lime, and silica in addition to quartz and feldspar. There may also be rainbow colored oxidations, as well as calcite and clay. The most common type of sandstone is red. The red ones owe their color to the presence of hematite in the crystallization.

photo: www.indiamart.com

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